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Six Pack of Holy Willie's Robust Porter Beer
Food and Drink > Wine & Spirits

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
83943 $2.00 7 $15.00

Winning Bid Amount


"Holy Willie begins life in two lands, with BC and British specialty barley, with malted & flaked oats; but He feels the fires below more than others and his passion quickly turns to the Dark Side. Holy Willie must first destroy the young malts, but he is brewed to bring balance to the craft. His IBU bitterness is hidden behind chocolate roasted malts, the swirling maelstrom of his character is bold yet creamy, acrid yet malty. This stout ale, this Robust Porter tells you “Look, I am your Father”.


Excerpt from HOLY WILLIE’S PRAYER by Robert Burns

Value:  $14.50